オランダ ライデン/アムステルフェーン/ロッテルダム学びたいことがなんでも学べる学習塾 RANJUKU


Japanese Calligraphy for AdultsBrush calligraphy (kanji, kana, or man'yōgana) or penmanship for beginners and early learners

Japanese Calligraphy for Adults

From traditional Japanese calligraphy to cutting-edge-artistic calligraphy
Ran Education Netherlands Japanese Calligraphy for Adults From traditional Japanese calligraphy to cutting-edge-artistic calligraphy

We specialize in guiding beginners and early learners to master the art of beautiful and correct handwriting. Whether using brush calligraphy (kanji, kana, or man'yōgana) or penmanship (dip pens, ballpoint pens, pencils, etc.), we tailor our instruction to your preferences.

While students are generally expected to bring their own materials, temporary tools can be provided if needed. Please feel free to inquire.

Katsuta Ryokugin's artwork

講師 勝田緑吟(りょくぎん)の作品

左から、草書 行書 楷書

講師 勝田緑吟(りょくぎん)の作品

硬筆 左から、鉛筆 ボールペン つけペン

講師 勝田緑吟(りょくぎん)の作品


講師 勝田緑吟(りょくぎん)の作品


講師 勝田緑吟(りょくぎん)の作品


講師 勝田緑吟(りょくぎん)の作品


Adults of all ages and nationalities are welcome!

  • (Daytime Session) Monday 13:30-15:00Open
  • (Evening Session) Thursday 19:30-21:00Open
  • €29.17
    €24.11 + 21% VAT (€5.06) = €29.17
Trial classes are also available at the same fee.
Material costs are not included.
書道講師 勝田緑吟


Amstelveen SAKB
SAKB KunstLokaal Amstelveen
Ouderkerkerlaan 15, 1185 AB Amstelveen